A more and more plant-based diet in Norway

Sep 17, 2024
Sébastien Bouley

The Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs has published the updated dietary guidelines for the general population on August 2024. It is recommended to choose mostly plant-based foods and to limit red and processed meat.


The Norwegian Directorate of Health works to promote health and resilience, and is a driving force for sustainable, coordinated and equitable health and care services. The objectives of the dietary guidelines are to maintain a healthy life and to prevent chronic diseases. The dietary advice provides guidance on which food should be eaten a lot and which ones should be eaten less. It is promoted to have a diversified diet, to choose mostly foods from the plant kingdom and to eat with pleasure.

The dietary advice is summarized here below
  • Fruit, berries or vegetables should be part of every meal,
  • Let wholemeal bread or other whole-grain products be part of several meals each day,
  • Choose fish and seafood, beans and lentils more often than red meat. Eat as little processed meat as possible.
  • Have a daily intake of milk and dairy products. Choose products with less fat.
  • Candy, snacks, and sweet baked goods should be limited.
  • Drink water!
How much fruit, berries or vegetables to be eaten?

It is recommended to eat at least 5 and preferably 8 servings each day. About half cab be fruit and berries, and the other half vegetables. One serving is 100g, which means one whole fruit or a handful of vegetables, fruit or berries.

How much meat can be eaten?

Meat is part of the diet but the amount of red meat should be limited to 350g per week or lower. Red meat is meat from cattle, pork, sheep and goats.

White meat ( from poultry such as chicken, turkey, duck) can be consumed freely.

Who is the dietary advice for?

This dietary advice applies to all adults, and children over two years of age in Norway.

To find the diet handbook: Kosthåndboken – Veileder i ernæringsarbeid i helse- og omsorgstjenesten.pdf (helsedirektoratet.no)


Orchidali can help to be aware of the different national dietary guidelines.