News : Regulation, Food & Health

BIG 2024 by BPIFrance

Big’s 10th anniversary, with the theme of Progress, L’Optimiste is reinventing itself with a new and original format. This anniversary issue, inspired

Novel food safety: EFSA guidelines updated

EFSA has now made available to applicants the new guides/guidelines for the preparation and submission of applications for the launching of novel foods in the European Union.

Webinaire Workshop “Les Oméga 3” de SFN / St Hubert-Lesieur le 24/10/2024

La SFN organise, le Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024 de 09h45 à 12h00, en partenariat avec St Hubert-Lesieur un Webinaire “Les Oméga 3”.

Natexpo 2024: 09/23-24, Lyon

A more and more plant-based diet in Norway

The Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs has published the updated dietary guidelines for the general population on August 2024. It is recommended to choose mostly plant-based foods and to limit red and processed meat.


Contrary to what it had announced, the DGCCRF has suspended the Téléicare online declaration service since September 7. It is currently impossible to subscribe to the online procedure and use the new product notification service. Contrary to what it had announced, the DGCCRF has suspended the Téléicare online declaration service since September 7. It is currently impossible to subscribe to the online procedure and use the new product notification service.

(Français) Webinaire “Valorisation des coproduits dans la filière alimentaire” de FranceAgrimer le 25/09

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

World Microbiota Day 2024

The Theme for World Microbiome Day 2024 is “Feed your microbes – How diet shapes your gut microbiome”

INRAE/Planet-score Webinar: Sustainable food and junk food, what are we talking about and what can we do? 06/25

INRAE, Planet-score are organizing a webinar on food (“junk food”) and ultra-processed products on June 25 at 1 p.m.

Food and Food supplements for athletes: the European standard NF EN 1744 for doping prevention in sport

À l’aube des Jeux Olympiques 2024, il est important pour les sportifs de savoir que l’application de la norme européenne NF EN 1744 les protège en limitant les agents dopants dans les compléments alimentaires pour sportifs.
