AGRIBALYSE 3.0, the French database of the environmental impact of food

Oct 03, 2020
Sébastien Bouley

On September 29, 2020, ADEME and INRAE ​​launched the French reference database on the environmental impact of food. After 10 years of studies, the AGRIBALYSE (AGB) 3.0 database provides data on the environmental impact of food from field to plate, including food preparation. It is built according to the life cycle analysis (LCA) method. It provides environmental data for 250 agricultural references, i.e. 1,000 variations (BIO, red label, etc.) and 2,500 “average” food products ready to be consumed either raw or processed. The environmental impact is characterized by 14 standardized indicators constructed by the European scientific community, a single score (aggregate indicator) and a data quality indicator. The data is expressed by quantity at the exit of the farm on the one hand and on the plate of the consumer. The product nomenclature is aligned with that of the CIQUAL nutritional composition database, which can allow both nutritional and environmental analyses. AGB provides category average food data like the CIQUAL database. AGB is available in 2 formats:

-a complete modular version requiring LCA software which allows the analysis of the impact of the different stages or of the different constituents in ecodesign,

-a simplified version (EXCEL spreadsheet) to compare foods, menus. (ready-to-eat food products spreadsheet* and raw agricultural products spreadsheet*).

Although AGB is a definite step forward, its limitations must be taken into account: the impact of pesticides on the ecosystem, the impact on biodiversity, carbon storage in the soil.

The user guide is available*.


Orchidali can help you improve the nutritional quality of your food.


*: Link in French.