Author Archive

Focus on the French and Italian regulations on food supplements: Analysis of the specificities (Part 2)

Besides the presence of the common views listed in Part 1, it is also possible to identify certain elements that are specific to, and characteristic of, each country.

Focus on French and Italian regulations on food supplements comparaison: An analysis of convergent aspects (Part 1)

France and Italy are often seen as “cousin” countries because of their geographical and cultural proximity. Is this peculiar closeness observable within the food supplement field, too? In this article, we will compare the approach of the two countries to this class of goods.

EFSA webinar on novel food applications: an overview

The webinar aimed at pointing out how the Transparency Regulation impacts the novel food sector in terms of application procedures and confidentiality

EU lowers maximum authorised levels for cadmium and lead contaminants

The EU has lowered the maximum authorised levels for the harmful heavy metal contaminants, cadmium and lead, in food and drink sold in Europe.

21 September 2021: Stakeholder meeting on the EFSA draft scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for dietary sugars

Following a request from the national food competent authorities of five European countries (Denmark, 2 Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), the EFSA

“Alimentation, laquelle ? Et pour qui ?” Chapitre 3 du cycle des débats de la FAM sur l’alimentation

Jeudi 09 septembre 2021, de 14h – 18h, aura lieu en visioconférence et en présentiel le chapitre 3 (“Alimentation, laquelle et pour

EFSA guidances on nanomaterials in food chain

On August 3rd, the EFSA published 2 guidances: one on the technical requirements to establish the presence of small particles in food products and another one on the risk assessments of nanomaterials in the food chain.

Evaluating Health claims about plant based food supplements

The EU regulation No 1924/2006 concerning the nutrition and health claims for food requires a scientific substantiation of the highest quality standard

Hippurate produced by gut microbiota: a marker of the gut microbiota diversity and of metabolic health

The proper functioning of the gut microbiota has an impact on the general, physical and psychological health. Understanding how the architecture of

44% of non-compliant health claims on food!

On June 21, 2021, the DGCCRF communicated the results of its checks aimed at verifying compliance with the European Regulations on health
