Author Archive

Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (E171) can cross the placental barrier and reach the fetal environment

Researchers from INRAE ​​in collaboration with the National Metrology and Testing Laboratory, the Materials Physics Group (CNRS / INSA Rouen / University

Exposure to food pesticides in the French population

This study, conducted among participants of the NutriNet-Santé cohort, aims to identify the profiles of exposure to food pesticides (resulting from non-negative

AGRIBALYSE 3.0, the French database of the environmental impact of food

On September 29, 2020, ADEME and INRAE ​​launched the French reference database on the environmental impact of food. After 10 years of

Food sugar safety assessment postponed to 2021

EFSA’s assessment of the safety of dietary sugars has been postponed to 2021 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and

European Commission, Ivory Coast and Ghana agree for more sustainable cocoa production

The European Commission launched on September 22, 2020 an initiative to improve sustainability in the cocoa sector. It brings together representatives of

“Qualité de l’alimentation : Quelles informations ?”. Webinaire de la Société Française de Nutrition (SFN) le 1er octobre

La SFN organise, le 1er octobre 2020, sa 4ème Ecole clinique qui aura pour thème “Qualité de l’alimentation : Quelles informations ?”.

Change in taxonomy of the genus Lactobacillus

A consensus has developed among scientific experts that, given the genetic makeup of these bacteria, the current genus Lactobacillus was too diverse

Italy reiterates its opposition to the Nutri-Score label and proposes the adoption of Nutrinform battery

Italy has once again expressed concern that the Nutri-Score system, which has been proposed as a European Union-wide front-of-package food labeling system,

Agribalyse: the environmental database of agricultural and food products

The AGRIBALYSE program of INRAE and ADEME provides a database and a reference system for the environmental analysis of food products. The data is based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method.

Salon PRODURABLE 2020 : 7 et 8 septembre, Paris

Le salon PRODURABLE 2020 se déroulera lundi 7 et mardi 8 septembre au palais des Congrès à Paris. Ce salon organise pendant
