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The SACN (UK) raises uncertainties on  the negative impact of processed food intakes on health.

In autumn 2022, the British Department of Health and Social Care requested to the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) to take a position regarding food processing and health. The SACN raises uncertainties on the evidence related to food processing and health in a statement published on 11 July 2023.

The use of the term probiotic in France, Italy and Spain: a comparative analysis

Since the beginning of 2023, it is possible to use the word probiotic on food supplements in France. Here follows a comparison with the situation in Italy and in Spain.

Italy plans the prohibition of cultured meat

The bill, which contains provisions banning the production and marketing of animal cell-based cultured food and feed, was proposed by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry and the Minister of Health, and approved by the Council of Ministers.

The in vitro “meat” in France

Better supervision and control of technology is the Senate’s vigilance recommendation. The Committee on Economic Affairs in the Senate recalled its anthropological, ethical, cultural and, in short, political opposition to the development of “cellular foods”. Promising on paper (environment, animal welfare), this innovation according to the Senate, will in no way be essential in the food transition, and would not be without impact on livestock farming. It then made eighteen recommendations grouped into three areas respectively focused on the authorization process strengthening, the information to consumer and research.

Nutri-Score calculation changes for beverages

The right to use Nutri-Score is optional and free. It was implemented for the first time in France in 2017, based on the work of the team of Pr. Serge Hercberg as well as the expertise of the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) and the High Council of Public Health (HCSP). Since its launch in France, several countries have decided to recommend its use: Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The logo is awarded on the basis of a score taking into account, for 100 g or 100 mL of product, the content: of nutrients and foods to promote (fibers, proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, rapeseed oil , nuts and olives) and nutrients to limit (energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt). The Nutri-Score of drinks has been modified.

EFSA scientific Colloquium on the safety of foods derived from cell cultures

EFSA is organizing a two-day scientific symposium on May 11 to gather scientific views and opinions from representatives of European, international and national agencies, technology companies as well as food operators, consumer groups and a range of individuals and other organizations interested in the issue of the safety of foods derived from cell cultures.

Vitafoods 2023: Geneva, May 9-11

VITAFOODS 2023 will be held at the Palexpo in Geneva on May 9, 10 and 11 and also online from May 1 to 12. VITAFOODS Europe is where the nutraceutical industry comes together to create and showcase innovation, connect with business leaders and find solutions that work.

Health and nutrition claims in infant formulas

An international cross-sectional study recently published in the British Medical Journal found that infant diet products communicated from 1 to 4 health and nutrition claims. The authors pointed out that 2/3 of the products with at least one claim did not provide any reference. When registered clinical studies were referenced, the authors noted a high risk of bias.

Transfer of competence from the DGCCRF to the DGAL: what changes for food supplements

Starting from 2023, some food law aspects previously managed by the DGCCRF are transferred to the DGAL. What are the practical consequences for food supplements?

CBD in France

The cannabidiol, CBD, an active substance most often of natural origin, is one of the phyto-cannabinoids. CBD, as the tétrahydrocannabinol (THC ), is present in the cannabis flowers and leaves. It is a non-addictive psychotropic drug, unlike THC. It is also a component in the form of an extract, medicine, or everyday consumer products, only some of which are authorised in France under specific conditions of THC content. In addition, CBD is considered at European level as a novel food whose safety is currently being assessed by EFSA.
