

Over the last months, winds of criticism have blown against the system, that yet meets increasing approval among consumers; modifications to the algorithm are not excluded. Orchidali summarizes and comments the issues.

EU lowers maximum authorised levels for cadmium and lead contaminants

The EU has lowered the maximum authorised levels for the harmful heavy metal contaminants, cadmium and lead, in food and drink sold in Europe.

44% of non-compliant health claims on food!

On June 21, 2021, the DGCCRF communicated the results of its checks aimed at verifying compliance with the European Regulations on health

Front of pack environmental scores: the Foundation Earth’ pilot launch in Autumn 2021

Foundation Earth is an independent, non-profit organisation established to issue front-of-pack environmental scores on food products, enabling consumers to make more sustainable

Nutritional labelling on the front of food packaging and conditions to limit the use of nutritional and health claims

In accordance with the action plan proposed in the Farm to Plate Strategy, the European Commission intends to submit by the end

The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on fermented foods

An expert panel was convened in September 2019 by The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) to develop a definition

Focus: Botanicals in food supplements and antioxidant properties in Italy

“Antioxidant” properties can be attributed to 147 plant species, according to Italian guidelines on food supplements. Plants, algae, fungi, and derived preparations

L’ambition de l’industrie agro-alimentaire française vers une transition verte

Aujourd’hui, les entreprises de l’alimentation revendiquent plus que jamais leur ambition d’une alimentation toujours plus saine, plus sûre et plus durable. Le

Italy reiterates its opposition to the Nutri-Score label and proposes the adoption of Nutrinform battery

Italy has once again expressed concern that the Nutri-Score system, which has been proposed as a European Union-wide front-of-package food labeling system,

Le Pacte vert de l’Europe : La double stratégie prévue par l’UE « De la ferme à l’assiette » et « Ramener la nature dans nos vies » pour se diriger vers un système alimentaire plus sain et plus durable et réduire ses émissions de Carbone d’ici 2030

Conformément à l’ambition principale, écrite dans le Pacte vert pour l’Europe de fin 2019, de réduire ses émissions de 55% d’ici 2030
