
EFSA declares the safety of low erucic acid rapeseed powder as a novel food

Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver

Identification des nanomatériaux dans l’alimentation et de leurs risques sanitaires pour les consommateurs

L’Anses dans cette expertise de Juin 2020 fait tout d’abord un état des lieux de l’utilisation des nanomatériaux manufacturés dans l’alimentation. Pour

EFSA opinion on the risks of aflatoxins in food

EFSA has assessed the risks to human health from the presence of aflatoxins in food. To carry out the risk assessment, the

EFSA report on pesticide residues in plants

The report published by EFSA in February 2020 paints a picture of the presence of pesticide residues in food on the European

Les recommandations de l’Anses pour se prémunir du Coronavirus concernant l’alimentation, le shopping et le nettoyage

En se basant sur les données scientifiques disponibles, l’Anses a donné ses recommandations concernant le COVID-19 pour vos courses, votre nettoyage de

Food safety and hydroxyanthracene derivatives: The EU Commission would like to hear the stakeholder views until 22 April 2020

In 2016, the European Commission requested EFSA to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety of hydroxyanthracene derivatives in food in accordance

Hemp –based food and food supplements on the Irish market

The recall comes after the FSAI carried out a survey​​ in february 2020 that revealed 37% of the products tested had a

Contrôle de la DGCCRF sur les denrées végétales destinées aux végans, végétariens et végétaliens

Cette enquête de la DGCCRF révèle que le marché de ces nouveaux produits végans est très hétérogène et que les dénominations de

Safety of astaxanthin for its use as a novel food in food supplements

The EFSA Panel has concluded that an intake of 8 mg of astaxanthin (ATX) per day from food supplements is safe for

ANSES opinion on a case of anaphylaxis associated with the consumption of a food supplement containing passionflower in France

As part of the Nutrivigilance system, ANSES received in December 2019 a report of anaphylaxis probably attributable to the passionflower of a
