À l’aube des Jeux Olympiques 2024, il est important pour les sportifs de savoir que l’application de la norme européenne NF EN 1744 les protège en limitant les agents dopants dans les compléments alimentaires pour sportifs.
“Antioxidant” properties can be attributed to 147 plant species, according to Italian guidelines on food supplements. Plants, algae, fungi, and derived preparations
Lacto-N-tetraose is an oligosacharide naturally present in human breast milk. The new food, lacto-N-tetraose (LNT), is obtained by microbial fermentation with the
During March of 2018, a scientific opinion on the safety of green tea catechins has been adopted by the EFSA panel of
EFSA launches a public call for data in order to acquire documented information (published, unpublished or newly generated) on monacolins in red