
DGAL recommendations for notifying food supplements in France

In order to be marketed on the French market, a food supplement must be subject to a prior declaration to the competent authority in accordance with Decree No. 2006-352 on food supplements. Since February 3, 2023, food supplements have been declared to the Directorate General for Food using the online declaration platform téléicare.

The use of the term probiotic in France, Italy and Spain: a comparative analysis

Since the beginning of 2023, it is possible to use the word probiotic on food supplements in France. Here follows a comparison with the situation in Italy and in Spain.

Agriculture, carbon and climate in France: Report from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Monday January 31 was marked by a series of events to advance on the contribution of French agriculture to the carbon neutrality objective of France and the European Union. The agricultural and forestry sector, as an emitter and collector of greenhouse gases, is at the heart of France’s national low-carbon strategy. Goal: achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Focus on the French and Italian regulations on food supplements: Analysis of the specificities (Part 2)

Besides the presence of the common views listed in Part 1, it is also possible to identify certain elements that are specific to, and characteristic of, each country.

Focus on French and Italian regulations on food supplements comparaison: An analysis of convergent aspects (Part 1)

France and Italy are often seen as “cousin” countries because of their geographical and cultural proximity. Is this peculiar closeness observable within the food supplement field, too? In this article, we will compare the approach of the two countries to this class of goods.

Decline in the physical activity of French people during the lockdown from March to May 2020

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as soon as the containment was announced from March 17 to May 11, 2020, Public

The Agence bio reports on organic production in the world and on the organic consumption in France

On March 19, 2021, Agence bio presented the first results of the 18th barometer on the consumption of organic products in France

Activité physique et sédentarité de la population française

Santé publique France a publié un article dans le bulletin épidémiologique de juin 2020 sur les niveaux d’activité physique et de sédentarité

The French people place the environment at the top of the list of their concerns

The French ADEME has published its barometer on social representations of the greenhouse effect and climate change for the 20th consecutive year.

L’exposition de la population française aux polluants : Enquête Esteban

Dans le cadre du Grenelle de l’environnement, un programme de surveillance menée par Santé publique France, au travers de l’enquête Esteban, a
