
Webinar: “WebiNACRe n°10: Prevention and screening of colorectal cancer”, April 5, 2024

This Friday, April 5, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., the 10th webinar of the NACRe network will be held: “WebiNACRe n°10: Prevention and screening of colorectal cancer”. WebiNACRe are quarterly scientific meetings organized by the NACRe network. They are an opportunity to attend a live presentation by an expert on their work on the theme of “diet, physical activity and cancer”, and to be able to ask them questions on this subject.

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Ensuring satisfactory vitamin D status in the general population is particularly important in the context of Covid-19, and numerous clinical studies on

25 mesures pour la prévention de la santé

Le Gouvernement français, représenté par son Premier Ministre, Edouard Philippe, et par la Ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé, Agnès Buzyn,

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Nicolas Sarkozy a chargé le Pr Arnaud Basdevant de piloter la mise en application du plan triennal dévoilé le 21 mai dernier
