(Français) La Commission européenne a demandé à l’EFSA de revoir les lignes directrices méthodologiques permettant la détermination des niveaux d’apports supérieurs tolérables (ULs) pour les vitamines et minéraux et de mettre à jour le niveau d’apport maximal tolérable existant de certaines vitamines et minéraux essentiels. S’il n’était pas possible de fixer une UL, la Commission a demandé à l’EFSA de fixer la dose limite supérieure qui peut être raisonnablement consommée sans problème de sécurité. En conséquence, l’EFSA a publié courant 2024 de nouvelles lignes directrices pour l’établissement et l’application d’apports maximaux tolérable en vitamines et minéraux, et des opinions scientifiques concernant les vitamines liposolubles : la vitamine A incluant le bêta-carotène, la vitamine D et la vitamine E ; les vitamines hydrosolubles : les vitamines B6 et B9, et les minéraux essentiels tels que le fer, le sélénium, le manganèse.
Orchidali will be present at this event, contact us and let’s organize a meeting or discussion about the topic of the event.
On 14 November 2024, 14.30-17.00(CET), the EFSA is organizing a webinar to share the results of its scientific analysis regarding the safety and the tolerable upper intake levels for 5 vitamins (vitamin B6, folate, vitamin A including beta-carotene, and vitamin D) and for three essential minerals (iron, manganese, and selenium) as well as the updated scientific framework applied for the risk assessment of nutrients.
Big’s 10th anniversary, with the theme of Progress, L’Optimiste is reinventing itself with a new and original format. This anniversary issue, inspired
EFSA has now made available to applicants the new guides/guidelines for the preparation and submission of applications for the launching of novel foods in the European Union.
La SFN organise, le Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024 de 09h45 à 12h00, en partenariat avec St Hubert-Lesieur un Webinaire “Les Oméga 3”.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs has published the updated dietary guidelines for the general population on August 2024. It is recommended to choose mostly plant-based foods and to limit red and processed meat.
Contrary to what it had announced, the DGCCRF has suspended the Téléicare online declaration service since September 7. It is currently impossible to subscribe to the online procedure and use the new product notification service. Contrary to what it had announced, the DGCCRF has suspended the Téléicare online declaration service since September 7. It is currently impossible to subscribe to the online procedure and use the new product notification service.