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(Français) Révision des niveaux d’apports supérieurs tolérables pour les vitamines et minéraux dans l’Union Européenne

(Français) La Commission européenne a demandé à l’EFSA de revoir les lignes directrices méthodologiques permettant la détermination des niveaux d’apports supérieurs tolérables (ULs) pour les vitamines et minéraux et de mettre à jour le niveau d’apport maximal tolérable existant de certaines vitamines et minéraux essentiels. S’il n’était pas possible de fixer une UL, la Commission a demandé à l’EFSA de fixer la dose limite supérieure qui peut être raisonnablement consommée sans problème de sécurité. En conséquence, l’EFSA a publié courant 2024 de nouvelles lignes directrices pour l’établissement et l’application d’apports maximaux tolérable en vitamines et minéraux, et des opinions scientifiques concernant les vitamines liposolubles : la vitamine A incluant le bêta-carotène, la vitamine D et la vitamine E ; les vitamines hydrosolubles : les vitamines B6 et B9, et les minéraux essentiels tels que le fer, le sélénium, le manganèse.

Novel food safety: EFSA guidelines updated

EFSA has now made available to applicants the new guides/guidelines for the preparation and submission of applications for the launching of novel foods in the European Union.

Nutritional and health claims made by food supplements on internet market places

On September 19th 2022, the DGCCRF published the results of its survey on nutrition and health claims on food supplements performed on internet market places on 2020. The DGCCRF makes the following observation, “regulations on Nutrition and health claims that are still too often overlooked”.

Insect-based food: the upcoming authorization of Locusta migratoria and the state of the art of the field

In October 2021, the draft of the EU regulation authorizing Locusta migratoria as a novel food was approved by the PAFF Committee within the European Commission. The regulation should be adopted in the weeks to come.

EFSA webinar on novel food applications: an overview

The webinar aimed at pointing out how the Transparency Regulation impacts the novel food sector in terms of application procedures and confidentiality

Use of the word “probiotics” in Spain

Currently, there is no definition of a probiotic in the field of food safety legislation in the European Union. The word “probiotic”

New recommendations from the French-speaking Pediatric Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group (GFHGNP) for vegans children and adolescents

The French-speaking Group of Pediatric Hepatology-Gastroenterology and Nutrition (GFHGNP) publishes its recommendations for infants, children and adolescents on a vegan diet. GFHGNP

FDA considers glucomannan as a dietary fiber

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on January 10th, 2020 that it intends to propose that “glucomannan” be added to

Actualité sur le PNNS

Dans son dernier numéro de juillet des “Actualités PNNS“, la Direction Générale de la Santé a communiqué sur des points d’actualité: La

GRAIN’s study about climate footprint of the biggest meat and dairy companies

At a time when the planet must watch and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, GRAIN and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade
