The in vitro “meat” in France

Better supervision and control of technology is the Senate’s vigilance recommendation. The Committee on Economic Affairs in the Senate recalled its anthropological, ethical, cultural and, in short, political opposition to the development of “cellular foods”. Promising on paper (environment, animal welfare), this innovation according to the Senate, will in no way be essential in the food transition, and would not be without impact on livestock farming. It then made eighteen recommendations grouped into three areas respectively focused on the authorization process strengthening, the information to consumer and research.

The website of the food chain surveillance platform:

The food chain surveillance platform (SCA) has launched its dedicated website: This online platform aims to ensure the consistency of the

Identification des nanomatériaux dans l’alimentation et de leurs risques sanitaires pour les consommateurs

L’Anses dans cette expertise de Juin 2020 fait tout d’abord un état des lieux de l’utilisation des nanomatériaux manufacturés dans l’alimentation. Pour

Updating of the ANSES CIQUAL 2020 table

The CIQUAL table has just been updated in July 2020 based on user surveys. The 2020 table now references 3,185 foods, or

Maintenir une activité physique et limiter la sédentarité : l’Anses adapte ses repères au confinement

Réduction des déplacements, baisse de l’activité physique et augmentation des temps de sédentarité passés devant les écrans, déséquilibres énergétiques et alimentaires :

Veiller à un apport suffisant en vitamine D pendant le confinement

La vitamine D est essentielle au bon fonctionnement de notre organisme. Deux voies permettent de couvrir les besoins quotidiens en vitamine D

Les recommandations de l’Anses pour se prémunir du Coronavirus concernant l’alimentation, le shopping et le nettoyage

En se basant sur les données scientifiques disponibles, l’Anses a donné ses recommandations concernant le COVID-19 pour vos courses, votre nettoyage de

ANSES opinion on a case of anaphylaxis associated with the consumption of a food supplement containing passionflower in France

As part of the Nutrivigilance system, ANSES received in December 2019 a report of anaphylaxis probably attributable to the passionflower of a

ANSES opinion on PNNS recommendations for children and the elderly

ANSES published its opinions at the end of December 2019 on the latest updates to the PNNS recommendations for the elderly and

Titanium dioxide (E 171) will be banned in France in foodstuffs from 1 January 2020

Following the opinion of ANSES on the food additive E 171 (titanium dioxide), the Ministers of Ecology and Consumer Affairs decided as
