Optifel program: how to create food giving back to the elderly the pleasure to eat

Feb 13, 2017

After 3 years of research work, the final conference of the European Union project Optifel was held on the 1st of February 2017, in Paris. The OPTIFEL project aimed to define and propose vegetable and fruit-based foods that will improve the nutrition and eating pleasure of elderly populations. The meeting gathering around 100 people had highlighted the results of the project and explain to what extent they are transferable to food industry, meals-on-wheels, catering services and health professionals. Data concerning food perception and preferences for fruit and vegetables, nutritional and texture needs, physical and oral capabilities in elderlies were presented.

This final event embodied the end of an original concept, which was melting taste, pleasure and nutritional profile in the perspective to create food products giving back to older people the pleasure to eat.

Presentations from the speakers will be available on line.

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