The effect of portion size and over-consumption in children and adolescents: solutions to reduce their portions

May 31, 2019
Sébastien Bouley

This study from the University of Leeds in UK deals with the portions size effect (PSE) and overconsumption for chidren and adolescents. Indeed, consumers become accustomed to particular amounts of food as the ‘social norm’ and so large portion sizes are treated as typical. For children and adolescents who are forming eating habits, long‐term exposure to large portion sizes of snacks and meal items may encourage overconsumption. Therefore, offering smaller portions to suit the age and stage of children and young people should offer a potential solution to the PSE.

Researchers have developed a series of portion reduction and snack strategies for preschoolers and teens. This study provides guidance and recommendations for providing smaller portions to children to facilitate portion control as their preferences and eating habits develop (Figure).

Strategies for young adults and adolescents are more challenging and require further investigation.

To know more, you can read the full article on this link.

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