Gut microbiota: new perspectives in the treatment of gluten intolerance

Oct 27, 2020
Sébastien Bouley

Celiac disease is an immune disease of the intestine that affects more than 1% of the population and is characterized in patients by gluten intolerance which causes inflammation of the intestine, abdominal pain, diarrhea and can lead to weight loss and deficiencies. An international research consortium, made up of teams from McMaster University (Canada), INRAE, Sorbonne University, Inserm, AP-HP and Wageningen University (Netherlands), has shown that the gut microbiota of patients with celiac disease has a defect in the production of active compounds resulting from the breakdown of tryptophan by microorganisms.

These researchers also found that dietary intake of tryptophan or supplementation with probiotics* able to metabolize this amino acid reduce intestinal lesions of celiac disease in animals and open up new therapeutic prospects for humans.

To find out more, you can read the published study.

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