Compléments alimentaires

EFSA declares the safety of low erucic acid rapeseed powder as a novel food

Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver

Hemp –based food and food supplements on the Irish market

The recall comes after the FSAI carried out a survey​​ in february 2020 that revealed 37% of the products tested had a

Safety of astaxanthin for its use as a novel food in food supplements

The EFSA Panel has concluded that an intake of 8 mg of astaxanthin (ATX) per day from food supplements is safe for

Italy updates labelling rules on plant/extract from Curcuma genus used in food supplements

The Italian Ministry of Health, in the Decree published on 26th July 2019, included warnings for supplements containing curcuma preparations in response

E 319 additive could affect flu vaccine effectiveness

This study from the university of Michigan and funded by the National Institutes of Health tries to determine a new potential relation

A world analysis about the health effects of dietary risks between 1990-2017

This study provides a global analyzis of the potential impact of suboptimal diet on noncommunicable disease (NCD) mortality and morbidity, highlighting the

Rapport de l’académie de pharmacie sur les compléments alimentaires contenant des plantes

L’académie nationale de pharmacie a publié un rapport sur les compléments alimentaires à base de plantes. L’académie recommande entre autres choses, une

FAO’s report about biodiversity

FAO publishes the first report of its kind regarding the state of biodiversity for food and agriculture. Biodiversity for food and agriculture

Un guide de prescription médicale pour les activités physiques et sportives

Depuis 2016, les médecins français peuvent prescrire une activité physique adaptée à leurs patients. Pourtant, ils manquent de référentiels et d’outils. Face

Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol on french population (the ESTEBAN study)

Hypercholesterolemia is a major cardiovascular risk factor, often undiagnosed. In France, in 2006, 18.8% of adults presented with LDL cholesterol (LDL-c) above
