
Organic food-based diet and cancer risks

INRA has studied the association between cancer risks and an organic food-based diet in a large cohort of French adults (more than

Study on the impact of sustainable and balanced food on the environment across Europe by INRA and MSI-Nutrition

In Europe, it is estimated between 20 and 30% the environmental impact of homes on global warming. This recent study focuses on

Avis du Conseil National de l’Alimentation sur l’alimentation favorable à la santé

Suite aux Etats Généraux de l’Alimentation, Le Conseil National de l’Alimentation (CNA) a réfléchi à ce qu’était une “alimentation favorable à la

Le HCSP propose de nouveaux messages de santé publique

Suite à sa révision des repères alimentaires du Programme National Nutrition Santé (PNNS) en février 2017 en tenant compte de l’avis de

Avis de l’Anses sur les risques d’excès d’apport en iode lié à la consommation d’algues dans les denrées alimentaires

Dans ce rapport, L’Anses a analysé les risques d’apport en iode lié à la consommation d’algues (fraiches ou en compléments alimentaires) dans

Tolerable upper intake level for vitamin D for infants

EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on tolerable upper intake level for vitamin D for infants from

The negotiation of healthy food choices by Danish consumers of organic food

There is increasing demand for organic food products throughout the Europe. Health concerns have frequently been found to be the main motivation

INRA study regarding acceptance of food textures in children

Little evidence is available about when to introduce which texture during the timely complementary food introduction. A French team (INRA) studied longitudinally

Nutritional quality of food products according to the type of brand

The French Observatory of Food Quality (Oqali) published a comparison of the nutritional content of processed foods available on the French market.

Une enquête sur l’utilisation de la table CIQUAL

L’ANSES a lancé une enquête en ligne afin de mieux connaître : l’utilisation qui est faite de la table CIQUAL, la satisfaction des
