
Plus grande transparence sur l’origine des produits alimentaires en France

Dans le cadre de la loi Egalim et de la mise en œuvre du règlement UE INCO n°1169/2011 concernant l’information des consommateurs

Nutri-Score connu de seulement 40% des français

Les résultats de l’enquête du CRÉDOC Tendances de consommation montrent que si l’étiquetage énergétique est largement connu et utilisé, le Nutri-Score, plus

L’huile d’olive de Provence devient une Appellation d’Origine Protégée (AOP)

« L’huile d’olive de Provence » a obtenu le 21 février 2020 l’Appellation d’Origine Protégée (AOP). « L’huile d’olive de Provence »

Nutri-Score, “multiple traffic lights” and nutritional labeling to choose healthier “snacks”

In this study, an online experiment with Swiss consumers (N = 1313) was conducted to compare the effects of different formats of

Hemp –based food and food supplements on the Irish market

The recall comes after the FSAI carried out a survey​​ in february 2020 that revealed 37% of the products tested had a

On-pack labelling origin on food products: regulation applies on April 1st

On April 1, 2020, the new Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/775 of 28 May 2018 will apply. It is about “the provision

The Center for Study and Valorization of Algae (CSVA) provides the list of authorized food algae in France

There is no specific regulation on food algae at European level, it is linked to the so-called “Novel Food” legislation. The latter

New allergen labelling in United Kingdom

The UK government introduced the new legislation for foods which are prepacked for direct sale. The FSA Board agreed on advice for Ministers

Tolerable upper intake level for vitamin D for infants

EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on tolerable upper intake level for vitamin D for infants from

Origin labelling of food: a boost for local economies and sustainable development

This study, conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
