
A world analysis about the health effects of dietary risks between 1990-2017

This study provides a global analyzis of the potential impact of suboptimal diet on noncommunicable disease (NCD) mortality and morbidity, highlighting the

Le Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique a publié son rapport d’évaluation de la stratégie nationale de santé

Le Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (HCSP) a été saisi par la ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé pour assurer

Technical meeting with stakeholders on the draft opinions on dietary reference values for sodium and chloride

EFSA is organising a meeting with stakeholders to present its draft opinions on Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for sodium and chloride, that

Report calls for “global health diets” and for immediate action

The EAT-Lancet Commission, born from the merger of The Lancet with EAT, a non-profit start-up dedicated to the transformation of the global

Les chercheurs de l’INRA travaillent pour l’alimentation des enfants

L’Inra publie un dossier de presse complet pour présenter ses différents travaux et résultats sur les repas, les produits et l’alimentation qui

Le Baromètre 2019 sur les produits biologiques en France

L’AgenceBio a publié en février 2019 son rapport annuel “Baromètre de consommation et perception des produits biologiques en France“. Le dossier de

“Is Creating a sustainable food future possible?” The World Ressources Report

The World Resources Institutes produced this global report in partnership with the World Bank Group, United Nations (UN) Environment, UN Development Programme,

Consumers underestimate the emissions associated with food but are aided by labels

This study focused on the energy consumption and the GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions for food production. Results showed that consumers significantly underestimated

The importance of including Environmental Sustainability in Dietary Guidance.

In United States of America, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior has set the statement that the environmental sustainability should be

The new recommendations on diet, physical activity and physical inactivity in France: PNNS 4 (2017-2021)

Santé publique France has published the new recommendations on diet, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle for adults. They aim to guide the French
